A HUGE thank you to all of our attendees for experiencing the 2010 Charlotte Gluten Free Expo with us at Johnson & Wales University!
The gluten free food that was offered was amazing in quality and taste just as we had anticipated by selecting the best of the best in gluten free vendors. Time and again we heard oohs and aahs from participants who tried samples until they could eat no more! The event was well rounded though with more than just gluten free food - Products for continued health and wellness on a gluten free diet were also featured. As well as presentations by top experts and medical professionals to ensure our participants could glean more than just pleasurable eating.
It is wonderful enough to know when you have contributed to the gluten free community - but it is equally as sweet to read about it. Jennifer Harris of the Atlanta Metro Celiac Support Group wrote a wonderful recap on the Examiner of the foods she loved best and you can find it here:
The adorable Twin Cakes Bakery blogger, Lori, wrote a wonderful review you can find here:
Thank you to both of them for writing about our event and being as excited as we were about our wonderful vendors!
Our email box has been overflowing with exemplary comments about experiences from our attendees and vendors which is immensely pleasing for us to read and reflect on. There have been some very constructive comments as to how we can improve our next event too which are welcomed so that the 2011 Expo will be even better.
As you'll notice we have placed a photo montage on this page of the event which we will be adding to as the photographs are made available to us. Also look for videos to be coming of the highly informative presentations that were offered by Chef Reinhart, Pat Fogarty, and Dr. Ivor Hill.
Thank you to Johnson & Wales for a beautiful venue and excellent support staff!
Thank you to our presenters for sharing information with all of us!
Thank you to our GF vendors for raising the bar on gluten free foods and options!
Thank you to the volunteers from the Charlotte Celiac Connection and R.O.C.K.(Raising Our Celiac Kids) Charlotte, N.C. among others for hard work and time devoted!
And lastly, thank you to our sponsors - J&W, Farmo, Bloom, Carolina Digestive Associates, and Healthy Home Market for making our day possible:-)